Sometimes you need to take a break from blogging and find your muse again. Mine is back and I have lots to share with you. My creative juices got going when Tracey Roman of the Fort Mill Magazine asked me to do an article on how to incorporate the Nautical or Coastal design trend into your home. You may read the article, and see photos of a recent beach cottage that I completed, at the link at That article was fun to do but space in a magazine is limited and I just couldn't share all the images that I found inspirational there, so I thought I would follow up the written article with a visual one. I hope you enjoy all these wonderful designs from talented designers across the country. Enjoy!
Traditional blue and white with touches of coral gave this home a coastal presence. |
This modern seaside worthy room takes on a turquoise color scheme pairing it with bright white and bold art. |
The colors, simple plank floor, and chair covers with seashells are all that is needed to create a coastal cottage look. |
Soft gray stripes and porthole windows dress down this more sophisticated breakfast nook. |
This entry hall takes it "beachy" cue from color and texture. The sisal striped rug and the storage baskets and blue bead board, all lend to the coastal theme of the room. The organizational bulletin boards are a great idea for sorting information for each family member. |
Stripes and sea glass colors help this modern design look great at the sea side. |
Could this red and white striped cabana-look be any cuter for a kids room at the coast? |
Blue and white is a timeless nautical classic. |
A touch of driftwood and seashells and you are transported to the shore! |
Simple slipcovers, a vintage table, seashell chandelier, and crisp white curtains add to the ambiance without taking away from the fabulous view |
Normally less is more when it comes to theme decor, however, here is a case where more is... fabulous! | | |